St Mary by the Sea

Navigating the waves of life together
Lent / EasterYouTube

Maundy Thursday 17th Aril, 7pm

Holy Friday 18th April, 3pm

Easter Day 20th April, 
6:30am Waiake Beach
8 & 10am St Mary by the Sea

8 am Traditional Communion
10am Intergenerational Worship

168 Deep Creek Rd, Torbay, Auckland 0630
Aotearoa New Zealand

Current Series

For the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas we prepare ourselves for the Birth of Jesus. Our theme this year is Words for the beginning.

Get Involved

Interested in volunteering at our community shop?

Intergenerational Worship

At our main 10am service we are exploring what it means to be an intergenerational church. Our goal is to share our faith across the generations; to learn from and inspire each other to be resilient and faithful.


Plan your visit to St Mary by the Sea, 168 Deep Creek Road, Torbay. Ph 09 473 8183

Have Kids?

We have lots happening for children and youth. Click here to check out what we offer

Get Connected

Stay in the loop. Sign up to our weekly newsletter. Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram. Join the parish roll for the AGM.

Service Times

8am Traditional Communion
10am Intergenerational Worship

10am Informal Communion

only service is Sunday 9am

Our Mission & Vision

St Mary by the Sea’s vision and mission is to help connect people to faith in Jesus

That every follower of Jesus has the opportunity to be comprehensively intergenerational in their heart and practice, so that the way of Jesus may be passed on as a faith journey that is lived out everyday. Our heart is for Intergenerational Christian Worship. This means that our main worship service is fully intergenerational. We don’t believe in just creating worship experiences outside of the main service; we believe in creating comprehensive intergenerational experiences in the main service

Community. Diversity. Family. Friendship. Tradition.

Our guiding values
AboutWhat to Expect

Next Steps

Lots of Ways to Get Involved.

Space for you and your baby







Seasons for growth

Serving in the Community Shop

Children and Youth



Get Involved

Join Us At Any Event!

Blue Christmas – Quiet Words

Sunday 15th December, 2024, 7pm
In the Creative Space under the hall,
168 Deep Creek Rd, Torbay

If you have had a difficult year, are weary from loss and grief or want a break from a commercial Christmas, join us for a quiet, contemplative service.

Christmas Week Reflections

16th – 21st December, 2024
Daily 10am – 7pm
168 Deep Creek Rd, Torbay

Take a moment out of the busy season for some reflection. A self-guided series of worship stations inspired by our theme “Words for the Beginning”

Christingle Service

24th December – 5pm
168 Deep Creek Road, Torbay

Join us for pizza and a short service where we will read the Christmas story and make a Christingle. Suitable for all ages. RSVP to for catering.

Candlelight Service

24th December – 9pm
168 Deep Creek Road, Torbay

Carols by Candlelight and Communion. Carols from 9pm with the service beginning at 9:30pm.

Christmas Day – Intergenerational Communion

25th December – 9am
168 Deep Creek Road, Torbay

A service for all ages that includes communion.


Holiday season services

29th December – 9am
5th January – 9am
12th January – 9am
19th January – 9am
26th January – 9am

168 Deep Creek Road, Torbay

After Christmas day, for the final service in December and all the January services, we have one 9am service that is a blend of our 8am and 10am service.

2nd February – 8 & 10am
9th February – 8 & 10am
16th February – 8 & 10am
23rd February – 8 & 10am

168 Deep Creek Road, Torbay




We Gather Every Wednesday & Sunday

Wednesday 10am
Informal Communion

Sundays 8am
Traditional Communion

Sundays 10am
Intergenerational Worship

Plan Your Visit

We have angle parking right outside on the kerbside. To catch the bus, the regular services to us are the 856 and 861, you will want to get off at Stop 3064/3068 or 3066, depending on what direction the bus is going


168 Deep Creek Road
Auckland 0630
Aotearoa New Zealand

Intergenerational Worship

We sit at tables of 8 people. We start with sung worship, confession, scripture and a response to scripture. We then move into intercessory prayer and communion. We close with sung worship and a blessing.

For more on intergenerational worship, click here.

Church Blog

The Latest News & Updates

Intergenerational Christian Formation

Our heart is for Intergenerational Christian Worship. Different people believe in different types of Intergenerational Ministry and have different starting points. Our heart is for iGen Worship. This means that our main worship service is fully intergenerational. We...

Testimonials – Intergenerational Worship Experiences

Warden [Board Member] Board review comments Intergenerational worship at our 10 am service every Sunday has been a big success story, and ‘It has revitalised our Parish.’ The collective experience of the Vestry members is that the new intergenerational service has...

Space for you and your baby

Space supports you and your baby throughout your first critical year, while you build great relationships with other parents. Together with your little one, you’ll meet weekly over 20-30 weeks to explore parenting and your baby’s development as you discover what works for your family in a safe, facilitated environment. As well as discussion topics such as sleep, attachment and brain development, you’ll enjoy music, books and play experiences while getting to know the families in your group.

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