What we do

There is lots to get involved with here at St Mary by the Sea

About usConnect

Children & Youth


Our 10am worship service is fully intergenerational. This means that all ages are together in worship for the full time, and there is discussion, teaching and activities relevant to all ages. We do not provide a separate Sunday School, it is our belief that faith is best nurtured, and worship best done when all of the community are together.


Our youth meet together on a Friday to study and play games.

All our programmes are intergenerational

This is what our weekly 10am worship looks like. 

Sunday 10am Worship

Intergenerational Worship

At our main 10am service we are exploring what it means to be an intergenerational church. Our goal is to share our faith across the generations; to learn from and inspire each other to be resilient and faithful.


What to expect

We gather together at tables of 8 people.


Finding your way here

We are located at
168 Deep Creek Rd, Torbay, Auckland 0630
There is angle parking on the street.
Try and arrive by 9:50am



We give food to those in need, no questions asked. Do you or someone you know need food? If so, please be in contact with the office on 09 473 8180 and we can arrange a food parcel to be collected from the community shop – St Mary by the Sea Community Shop – Inverness Road, Browns Bay.



Would you like to learn more about the faith? Or do you not know what faith is at all? This is the course for you, where we explore all things faith.

Sign up for alpha

Small Groups

Members of the parish have established a number of small groups with common interests, including a music group, morning and evening women’s groups and groups for prayer, bible study and pastoral care.

Home Groups

These small groups provide an opportunity to get to know others from the church in a casual setting, usually a home, meeting weekly at various times through the week. Please contact the office for more information, phone 473 8180.

Anglican Association of Women

Meets once a month on the 1st Wednesday of the month, 7:30pm at St Mary By The Sea. For more information, please contact Margaret Rocard 09 473 9816

Road frontage picture of St Mary by the Sea Community Shop, showing windows and sign

Tuesday – Saturday
10am – 4pm


Community Shop

Our community shop serves the community, by recycling clothes and goods and removes hundreds of kilograms of potential rubbish from the tip. We run a fantastic shop, come and check us out.

Apply to volunteer in community shop


Overseas Missions

We Support overseas Missions through the Anglican Missions Board.

Would you like to make a donation? Please either do a bank transfer to 02-0120-0047903-003. For the code put in missions, and for the reference your surname or giving number.

Alternately, fill in the form below so we can contact you about making a donation to missions.

Road frontage picture of St Mary by the Sea Community Shop, showing windows and sign



Would you like to make a donation to St Mary by the Sea’s charitable activities? You can do a bank transfer to 02-0120-0047903-003
Please reference your donation with your surname or giving number.

Donation receipts are issued yearly after the 31st March end of tax year. If you wish to receive a receipt before then, please contact the office with the form below.

A charitable donation rebate of 33% can be claimed here.

If you do not have a giving number, please get in touch with us below for one, so that at the end of the tax year we can issue you with a charitable donation receipt.


Pastoral Care

Would you like to receive confidential pastoral care for a situation? Please use the form below to reach out to us

tea cup and 3 flowers

Next Steps

Lots of Ways to Get Involved.




Lent 2023


Safe Space

Memorial Garden

Seasons for growth




Community Garden

Next STeps

We Gather Every Sunday & Wednesday

Wednesday 10am
Informal Communion

Sundays 8am
Traditional Communion

Sundays 10am
Intergenerational Worship

Plan Your Visit

We have angle parking right outside on the kerbside. To catch the bus, the regular services to us are the 856 and 861, you will want to get off at Stop 3064/3068 or 3066, depending on what direction the bus is going


168 Deep Creek Road
Auckland 0630
Aotearoa New Zealand

Intergenerational Worship

We sit at tables of 8 people. We start with sung worship, confession, scripture and a response to scripture. We then move into intercessory prayer and communion. We close with sung worship and a blessing.

Click here to find out more about our intergenerational worship.

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