Wandering Heart | Figuring out faith with PeterLent 2023

For 40 days leading up to Easter we prepare ourselves for the Resurrection.
Our theme this year is Wandering Heart – Figuring out faith with Peter.
Each of the 6 weeks we explore another aspect of the faith of Peter and how it impacts our life.
“Tune my heart” | ASH WEDNESDAY – Wednesday 14th February, 7pm
A tuning fork is used to tune various instruments to a proper pitch so that all the instruments can play together in harmony. We turn ourselves into God, ready to journey with Peter through Lent, Holy Week and Easter.
“Jesus sought me” | THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT – Sunday 18th February, 10am
Jesus instructs Peter to cast his nets after an unsuccessful day of fishing, and he catches an absurd abundance of fish. Peter doesn’t feel worthy of this gift, but Jesus calls him to be a fisher of people all the same. The fish represents God’s abundant provision of sustenance and grace, as well as Peter’s shift in vocation and calling—from fisher of fish to fisher of people.
“Rescue me from danger” | THE SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT – Sunday 25th February, 10am
Peter walks out in faith on the choppy waters, and Jesus saves him from sinking. The choppy water lines represent the turbulent waters we all walk through on our journey of faith.
“Praise the mount” | THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT – Sunday 3rd March, 10am
Peter has a moment of clarity and professes Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus affirms Peter’s proclamation by saying Peter is the rock upon which he will build his church and that Peter will be given “the keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 16:19). A mountain peak represents this moment of clarity and affirmation along Peter’s wandering journey.
“I’m fixed upon it” | THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT – Sunday 10th March, 10am
In music, the fermata symbol represents a prolonged note or a pause. After learning Jesus would suffer and die, Peter rebukes Christ saying, “this must never happen to you” (Matt. 16:22). Jesus rebukes Peter right back, knowing he cannot yield on his journey of nonviolence and love. The fermata represents how Peter is fixed on how he wants things to go, but Jesus calls him to stop and get behind him.
“Teach me” | THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT – Sunday 17th March, 10am
Peter’s posture toward Jesus is that of an open book. He is eager to learn from Jesus all he can glean. In this week’s text, he wants to know all about the nature of forgiveness and grace.
“Songs of loudest praise” | PALM / PASSION SUNDAY – Sunday 24th March, 10am
As we find our footing in faith, we share and express our journey with more assuredness and confidence. We can sing loudly, like those shouting “hosanna” as Jesus enters the city.
“Streams of mercy” | MAUNDY THURSDAY – Thursday 28th March, 10am
In a humble, subversive act, Jesus washes the disciples’ feet. This act of grace is meant to be emulated and is therefore an unending, overflowing, fountain of mercy for all.
“Prone to leave the God I love” | GOOD FRIDAY – Friday 29th March, 10am
In moments of weakness and sheer terror, Peter denies knowing Christ three times. He chooses the path of self-preservation in the face of violence and death, as many of us would. With his three denials, the cock crows, just as Jesus predicted.
“And I hope” | EASTER DAY – Sunday 31st March, 10am
As the sun rises on the third day, Peter holds onto hope as he runs to the empty tomb to see with his own eyes the abandoned linen cloth. With each new day, we hold onto hope for new life and resurrection.
“Here’s my heart” | THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER – Sunday 7th April, 10am
Peter is a heart-on-his sleeve kind of a guy. When Peter sees Jesus, he puts on his outer garment in reverence, and then dives into the sea, not wasting a second to embrace his teacher, friend, and Messiah who then asks him three times, “Do you love me?”